Comment on cult commenting

Sandra H-C

‘I love comments and encourage you to leave one, two or more.’

So declareth Sandra Hermann-Courtney on the Home page of her petty paranoid blog project, ‘fighting-for-homeopathy‘. What, do we have here a full-blown devotee of the cult of homeopathy receptive to question, challenge, criticism and correction of publicly-made statements? Nah, don’t be silly. She stipulates:

‘Because of negative comments left in the comments sections in the past, I read each comment first then publish if I feel it serves the homeopathy community to its best advantage.’

Ah, of course, only comments positive on homeopathy; no ‘negativity’ permissible there. Cult devotees don’t brook criticism of their creed, you see.

Regardless, I’d thought I’d test it out, having read (aside her apparent prescience in July of the outcome of the Scotland ‘Yes/No’ referendum, which, as I write, is still a week away) a couple of erroneous statements in this defensive piece of paranoia.

So, as she claims to ‘love comments’, I attempted to post the following underneath:

‘<i> ‘S.L. Singh… not a physician, homeopath or scientist'</i>

<i>’To my knowledge, none of these people who report homeopaths to the ASA_UK are physicians, homeopaths or scientists.</i>’

Wanna do a bit more work on those statements?’

Lo and behold, several days later it has failed to appear, Sandra H-C presumably having read and deemed it not conducive to the best advantage of the ‘homeopathy community’. In other words, she is a free expression ostrich.

I highlight this petty censorship because Sandra H-C has previously visited this blog and commented on a post that she apparently had failed to read/comprehend. After I replied pointing this out, with my objection to her homeopathy-promoting opportunism, she commented again in language suggestive of confused discomposure.

Now, I have not seen fit to redact/censor Sandra H-C’s comments (even though tantamount to spam), partly because they reveal much about the homeopathy forme de pensée. However, though all I was doing was alerting to errors in a couple of her statements, the favour has not been reciprocated.

But, having declared war on homeopathy sceptics, the hypocrite Sandra H-C cannot be seen attending to comments from any – no matter how justified or reasonable or civil or otherwise.

Go figure.


Update (11/11/14): I have just discovered that my comment has been made visible. Though how long after, and whether prompted by, this post I don’t know. (It has not received response, however.)

2 responses to “Comment on cult commenting

  1. Pingback: A(nother) Twitter on homeopathy: shameless propaganda and ‘trolling’ | Lee Turnpenny·
